Friday, December 10, 2010

The Good Life at Home

The twins are a week old today.  Crazy!   They are doing well and we think we (mom and dad) are doing a little better everyday.  I'm pretty sure they think they are living the good life.  What could be better than someone feeding you, burping you, snuggling you, listening to some bluegrass, sleeping and starting over 2 hours later?  Except the small detail of having your diaper changed, which Ellie hates.  We are trying to think of a name for the primitive reflex of hip-flexion-unable-to-be-extended-when-getting-your-diaper-changed.  In addition someone has to wake you out of your deep slumber so you can eat, thus the photo of the baby crunches below (recommended for arousal by the nursery nurses).  Sean was happy to hear about this technique and has officially started the Ostrowski family boot camp.  The dogs seem to be adjusting too and both give the babies kisses and sniffs a fair amount.

Again, just wanted to thank everyone soooo much for their support!  Especially our Butte friends who bring us gourmet dinners regularly and give us a semblance of a social life!!!  Oh yeah, and how could I forget the ski reports from Ham and George!  Cheers...

Lucy Pearl doing baby crunches, looks like a promising athletic future!

Dad getting serious about sticking to the feeding schedule... Lucy seems concerned as well.

 Ellie O. tests out the boppy.  Seems to be working pretty well.

Visit to Dr. Graham (pediatrician and mom's partner), things are looking good!

Ellie and Mancha find something in common, the couch.

Thanks for the awesome blankets grandma Camilla!

The good life.  Mom and dad hope to do this again someday too!

Ellie and Lucy can't wait to play in the awesome Montana mountains.  We may go for our first hike this weekend, weather permitting.

Have a great day all!

1 comment:

  1. Good work, Sean and Angie! Among other things, I look forward to actually meeting the wife and daughters one of these days -- we aren't that far apart.
    It is heartwarming to rejoice in hopeful, new life, and it does me good in this time when I'm learning to do without my companion of nearly 50 years.
    Love and best wishes to y'all,
