Saturday, December 18, 2010

6 Pounds of Sausage...

It's official, we survived the first 2 weeks!  Everyone says that's the hardest part and it should be smooth sailing from here.  Right?  Ellie and Lucy are feeding great, we even tried the double breastfeed yesterday.  That's interesting!  We have another wt check Monday, but we think they definitely feel bigger.  They also lost their umbilical cords, which means tummy time has started!  We have now gotten in the car twice with the twins to go do something fun.   We went out to breakfast at our favorite Butte eating spot, "The Hummingbird Cafe."  (Yes there is a local, organic, hip spot to eat in this town!)  Then we went up to our favorite skate ski spot, "Homestake Lodge," to visit with some friends and Sean tore up the trails.  It has been very exciting and liberating!   I even went and got a massage today, very nice!   All is well on Foxtail Lane...

The liberation device... double carseat stroller with lots of storage space.

Lucy Pearl.  She has started waking up more and more during the day, leaving us to wonder what to do with an awake newborn?

Hanging with the Axelson's at Homestake Lodge.  Soon we hope the girls will be skiing with Lars.

Tummy time has begun.

Post-Ellie's-tummy-time-meltdown, phew.  We sleep when we can around here.

Are these enough ducks and elephants to evoke a seizure?


  1. You are all four the cutest!!! Thanks for this great blog, and have a doubly Merry Christmas... Howard and Patty

  2. Hi there,
    I came across your adorable blog and thought your little ones' tummy time photo would be a great entry in Pathways Awareness' Holiday Tummy Time Baby Photo Contest.
    Three winners each receive a certificate, a $20 Starbucks gift card, and a photo mug with which to display their favorite photo.
    For more details and to enter, visit:
    Happy Holidays!

  3. Lars is throwing quite the look at the ladies. I'm not sure how to interpret it; but it's a look, no doubt about that. Did someone get ahold of his binky?
