Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Daily Livin' with the O's

It's been a little while since we posted here, life with the O's has been very busy.  We have had some momentous days on Foxtail Lane!  Ellie and Lucy got their first sponge baths, Sean tried out feeding both at the same time, we've now gone for 2 "hikes," and Lucy has outgrown her Little Joey carseat insert.  All is well!  So this will be brief but here are some pix, since that's the best part anyway!

We love hearing from everybody!  As always thanks for all the well wishes and humor!  It's been especially fun hearing from some fantastic old friends and soon we will start meeting some important people.  We might take another bath before then, but not guaranteed.  Grandma RaeAnn will be here in 8 days as well as great grandma Lucy (hence the name).  Hopefully a Missoula trip from the Porters.  Then Jen Mac and Ham Smith + fam will be around over the holidays.  And in the works is Grandma Camilla, Aunt Steff, and Uncle Darrell in January.  We are looking forward to it!

Ellie raising her hands up to some Michael Franti & Spearhead.   We still like his music and messages, even though he's somewhat of a sell out now.

Who says sleep is overrated?  Really I didn't think it was possible to be more sleep deprived than in residency... but I think it's pretty darn close!

The twin feeding pillow, he's a natural.  Every extra 20 minutes helps!

Gearing up for the first hike ever!  Ellie is giving us the one eye of questioning.  What are they up to now?  It will be many years of that I'm certain.

Ready to brave some Butte weather-  this is Butte tough in the making.

Really it was pretty amazing out and they slept the whole time.

Happy Holidays and dance for more snow!!!!!


  1. Wow, a double chariot attached to a Mukluk (snowbike) would be the BOMB on those snowpacked roads. The girls look amazing, and I just can't wait to meet them. I will also be sure to credit Ellie when I bust out the "one eye of questioning" in my next contentious meeting! Thanks for posting the fun pics! -H

  2. It just makes me giggly how excited I am to get to meet the little ones! You guys look like you are doing a stellar job...maybe a smidge tired in the eyes, but what can you expect right?

    Much love to the entire Ostrowski clan!

  3. I just love being able to be with you in your home and be warm in mine!!!
    Ellie and Lucy are such loves and it is wonderful to see all of you also receiving so much love from others. Angie, I am so enjoying getting to know you better through your pictures and delightful postings.
    A gift for the girls should be arriving soon. I have been a bit overwhelmed with the holidays and visiting with family in L.A. and Tucson. You have been in my heart, even though I haven't been in touch as I would have wished. Loved visiting with Paul and Dee on a planned layover between L.A. and Tucson. Many blessings and much love from Atlanta. Aunt Sarah
